Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday-April 20th

Marathon Monday


-mug of milk
-half a cup of orange juice
-one slice of cantaloupe
-one slice of honeydew
-spinach and egg omelete w/ketchup
-quarter of a cup of tea with lemon and honey

-Hamburger with 2 slices of tomato, shredded lettuce
-few cubes of cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon, and a couple of grapes
-1/3 of a klondike krunch bar
-a few sips of lemonade

-pasta with tomato sauce with sausage slices
-a bit of orzo with tomatoes
-weird mystery meat in caz
-cherry tomatoes and sliced cucumbers
-cup of tea (english bkfast) with lemon slices and honey
-nonfat black raspberry chip yogurt

A lil bit after dinner...
-a handful of kettle popcorn?

More or less eat all raw foods with the exception of one meal (preferably lunch) per day